
Newspaper from 2002/07/17

The number of eateries in Port Harcourt, Nigeria has suddenly increased due to the growing status of the state as an oil and gas zone. This has led to an influx of people and investors, creating a friendly business atmosphere. However, there have been cases of infernos at Tin-Can Island Port, which have caused significant loss. Some journalists covering the incidents have been criticized for their "siddon look" approach.


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The number of eateries in Port Harcourt, Nigeria has suddenly increased due to the growing status of the state as an oil and gas zone. This has led to an influx of people and investors, creating a friendly business atmosphere. However, there have been cases of infernos at Tin-Can Island Port, which have caused significant loss. Some journalists covering the incidents have been criticized for their "siddon look" approach.

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Archived by: Olugbenga GB Agboola