
Newspaper from 2000/10/23

  The text describes the achievements and awards of Chief Enoch Kolapomoye Olorunfunwa (E.K.O.) Ajiboso, a Nigerian politician and administrator. Ajiboso has a reputation for excellence in administration, particularly in the areas of personnel management and financial management. As a young boy, he was known for his ability to safely keep money and materials for his colleagues. He later became the chairman of Agege Local Government and successfully turned a near bankrupt council treasury around. He was awarded the best chairman in revenue generation and received numerous other awards for his achievements. Ajiboso is known for his prudence, experience, and humane leadership style, and he has been described as a "fighter" with strong political skills.


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The text describes the achievements and awards of Chief Enoch Kolapomoye Olorunfunwa (E.K.O.) Ajiboso, a Nigerian politician and administrator. Ajiboso has a reputation for excellence in administration, particularly in the areas of personnel management and financial management. As a young boy, he was known for his ability to safely keep money and materials for his colleagues. He later became the chairman of Agege Local Government and successfully turned a near bankrupt council treasury around. He was awarded the best chairman in revenue generation and received numerous other awards for his achievements. Ajiboso is known for his prudence, experience, and humane leadership style, and he has been described as a "fighter" with strong political skills.

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Archived by: Simeon Fadahunsi