
Newspaper from 2007/09/26

Hon. Mudashir Obasa, the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for local government councils in Lagos State, spoke about the activities of his committee and the performance of executives in local government councils. He mentioned that some councils have done well, while others need to improve, and that some councils have been running without budgets, which is wrong and unlawful. He also mentioned that some council scribes have borrowed money without due process, and that his committee will make recommendations to the House based on their findings.


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Hon. Mudashir Obasa, the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for local government councils in Lagos State, spoke about the activities of his committee and the performance of executives in local government councils. He mentioned that some councils have done well, while others need to improve, and that some councils have been running without budgets, which is wrong and unlawful. He also mentioned that some council scribes have borrowed money without due process, and that his committee will make recommendations to the House based on their findings.

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